Xiaomi Invents Ugly, Redmi 2S

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January 4, 2015 by ...

What Xiaomi lacks in creativity it more than makes up for in design mediocrity. If it weren’t for a keen eye on the competition, they would be producing aesthetic disasters such as this.

Hey wait a minute, that is Xiaomi’s latest offering. It is the Redmi 2S, which takes its design cues from the Note aka ‘something a former Soviet Union design engineer worked up’. Yeah the thing looks like the love child of a shoe box and mud puddle.

Xiaomi indigenous ugly
It is no wonder that Xiaomi has fewer than one dozen invention patents, after all, such things need to show utility. Aside from being used as a grotesque doorstop, the Xiaomi falls short.
A picture is worth 1000 words and this one says hideous to the power of ten. As seen in a photo from this site, it is no wonder that local Beijingers carrying the device crouch down in a walk of shame. They give you that ,’Screw you. It is all I could afford look.’ And then look for a pigeon to kick.


Media loves Xiaomi
Of course that is not what the media tells us. For them Xiaomi is a darling. Never mind the fact that the only thing original about its kit is the crush proof box, but they don’t care. They wax poetic about the Redmi and its sleek design, while purple veins bubble from their forehead in a Herculean attempt to hoist the thing. Due to fine Xiaomi engineering, it’s got the body mass of a PLA soldier.

But that’s neither here nor there. The fact is that Xiaomi has arrived. Whether that is good or bad news is anybody’s guess. But they are
Making waves. Perhaps I should have been more sccomodating about their newest design, at least it’s their own.

I suppose I will leave you to your thoughts and you can work it all out.

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